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My Gold Award Project

Updated: Dec 13, 2021

My Gold Award project is to implement ranked choice voting into South Carolina's local elections.

My Gold Award aims to address this issue:

My Gold Award aims to implement ranked-choice voting into South Carolina's local elections. Ranked-choice voting aids in dissolving runoff elections by eliminating the need for them, since voters rank the candidates from most preferred to least preferred, thus saving money for the state (if they were to have

a runoff election) and saving the time of voters. This voting approach may also increase voter turnout since voters separated from the two main parties: Democrats and Republicans, can vote for a third party first, and not feel as though they are wasting their vote. This voting approach may also decrease party

polarization. This issue is bipartisan and helps voters vote with their conscience and saves the state's money/resources.

The root cause of my issue is:

The root cause of my issue is runoff elections, which cause the state lots of money and always has a decreased voter turnout. Runoff elections are caused by our present voting method in local elections, in which if a candidate does not get more than 50% of the votes, the election must go into a runoff election.

My Gold Award project goals are:

My Gold Award project goals are to eliminate the need for runoff elections in local South Carolina elections and help my community learn how to ensure their voices are heard. I will use my blog to update the viewers on how the bill to implement ranked-choice voting in local elections is going and what steps I am taking. I will also be providing viewers of my blog with more information on ranked-choice voting. I will complete my goal of eliminating runoff elections in local South Carolina elections, by working to pass a bill to implement ranked-choice voting in South Carolina law, for local elections.

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